Rush will be receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this Friday! It was suggested that we go in order to see if Mr. Segel will be in attendance, due to I Love You, Man and the lead characters' obsession with Rush. The main thing I learned from that part of the movie is that you do not go to a concert with your boyfriend to a band you have NEVER heard of...seriously, why act like such a biotch when you can't share the enthusiasm- her character makes women look boring. (trust me, I have opted out of many death metal shows by choice!)
from the website: Rush Is A Band
UPDATE - 6/11@8:28AM: Apparently the band's star will be the 2,412th rewarded. :)
UPDATE - 6/7@7:47AM: The Hollywood Reporter is now also confirming the June 25th ceremony.
Nearly 2 years ago we learned that Rush would be awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The campaign to get Rush their star was spearheaded by long-time Rush friend Donna Halper - the woman who is credited with discovering Rush while working at WMMS-FM in Cleveland back in 1974 - and Rush fans extraordinaire Keith and Kevin Purdy. Last month I'd heard from Kevin that the ceremony would occur on Friday, June 25th and this information has now been confirmed by the Seeing Stars website. They list the event on their Calendar of Hollywood Events Calendar as scheduled to occur on Friday, June 25 at 11:30 AM at 6752 Hollywood Blvd, near McCadden Place. No details regarding the ceremony other than the location and time have yet been released. Thanks to Kevin C for the heads up.
I will be there with bells on!